Saint Oscar Romero stood out for his unwavering commitment to living out the Gospel, to providing a witness to the love of God in the face of violence. He was the Archbishop of El Salvador and he was murdered for criticising the government that kept people very poor.
Saint Oscar Romero shows us that we must see God in all people and work together to build God’s kingdom of mercy, justice and love on earth.
St. Bede’s has been awarded the Participator Level of the Oscar Romero Award for our commitment to Catholic Social Teaching (CST).
The award recognises schools that place Catholic Social Teaching at the heart of its strategy, curriculum and practical work.
The Romero Award is a charitable award to help Catholic schools and colleges put Catholic Social Teaching in to action.
It recognises, celebrates and encourages schools to:
CST is at the heart of the decision making bodies of the school, guides its vision and has a direct impact on the culture of the school. The school has policies in place aimed at challenging injustice
Children learn about CST in lessons across the curriculum so they gain a holistic understanding of the mission of the Church to enable all people to live life to the full. The work is embedded in certain areas our curriculum, particularly RE, with work on refugees and homelessness being covered.
In faith and action, the whole school community celebrates its dedication to living in solidarity with the poor, ensuring that all people’s human rights are respected. The school effectively, raises awareness of the needs of others locally through our work with Mini Vinnies, Faith in Football, local homeless charities and in the wider world through our support of CAFOD.