At St Bede’s all of our staff take their responsibility to safeguard children, very seriously. Staff receive regular training and updates on how to spot signs of abuse and what steps to take if they are worried about a child. We know that whether a staff member is the headteacher, a teaching assistant or a lunchtime supervisor, everyone needs to be vigilant to the signs that a child could be in harm’s way.
Children attend a safeguarding assembly once a term led by the Deputy Head teacher which covers a different aspect of staying safe each time. At the same time, our staff are led through a ‘safeguarding briefing’ by our Designated Safeguarding lead (DSL), in which they receive refresher training and related updates.
Pupils are also taught about how to stay safe (including online safety) as part of the curriculum. As well as this, we sometimes arrange comprehensive safeguarding days in which outside specialists come and work with our pupils. In recent times we have been supported by Marilyn Hawes from ‘Freedom from Abuse’ and Adrian and Danni from E-Safety workshops and the NSPCC.
Our safeguarding policy can be found in the ‘policies’ section of this website. The documents below give parents further information about various aspects of safeguarding and we would encourage you to read through these so that you can work with us to ensure that our children are as protected as possible.
You can also visit the NSPCC for further advice, or Hampshire County Council’s Web page regarding safeguarding and how to report any concerns about a child that might have.