Our curriculum is designed to enable pupils to fulfil the aspirations set out in our mission statement. It also takes into account the community of St Bede’s; specifically the strong sense of Catholic commitment amongst our families, the multitude of different cultures and ethnicities that make up our school community and the context of our local area.
Specifically our curriculum aims to enable the children to develop in the following seven ways:
Our curriculum goes beyond the subjects in the national curriculum and can be considered as the entirety of the experience that our children receive whilst they attend St Bede’s. Subsequently, we include in the description of our curriculum, playtimes and lunchtimes, school trips, sporting and competitive activities, themed and topic days, visits from outside speakers and guests and spiritual activities such as participation in the Mass and various liturgies.
In designing our curriculum we have paid particular attention to when and where the themes above are covered and ensured that through a comprehensive long-term overview, specific activities and experiences are planned to facilitate these areas of learning. The following statements outline some examples: