Questionnaire Results

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In the Summer term of 2024, the school asked parents about their views on life here at St Bede’s. The extremely positive responses can be seen in the results below:


110 responses, figures are percentages Strongly agree Agree TOTAL AGREE Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t know
My child is happy at this school 59 37 96 1 1 2
My child feels safe at this school 63 35 98 1 0 1
The school enables my child to behave respectfully 65 35 99 1 0 0
The school is a supportive and joyful community 64 35 99 0 0 1
Staff at this school are positive role models for my child 53 45 97 0 0 3
The school works well with the local parish(es) 60 32 92 0 0 8
I understand the school’s Catholic mission and am supportive of it 64 35 99 0 0 1
The school supports me in my role as first educator of my child 51 44 95 2 0 4
My child enjoys learning in lessons 48 47 95 2 1 2
The school lets me know how my child is doing 42 52 94 5 0 1
The school supports my child’s spiritual and moral development 47 52 99 0 0 1
I am invited to be involved in the prayer life of the school 57 41 98 0 0 2
The school has high expectations of my child 50 40 90 2 0 8
Not applicable (they don’t have SEN)
My child has SEN and the school works hard to give them the support they need 10 6 16 0 2 3 79

School Response to results

We’re grateful to all of the parents who took the time to share their views about provision at St Bede’s this year. We do take the time to read all of the comments that are shared with us, which cover a range of issues. These are always varied and sometimes parents have alternative views about particular issues, for example, this year a couple of parents commented that they would like children to receive more homework, whilst others commented that they thought that too much homework was given.

Overall though, as the figures above demonstrate, parents are very happy with general provision at the school. This is very encouraging and helps us to determine our overall strengths, as well as any issues that we think, need to be developed.