The After School club costs £12.00 per session and is open to pupils attending St Bede’s Primary School only. We operate on a ratio of 1:8, all children are welcome who can work within our ratios. The club will be open from 3.30pm until 6pm each day. Pupils will be collected from a designated area within school by a staff member at the end of the school day. The After School club is held in our school hall, however, as we are lucky enough to have substantial school grounds with woodland and a large playing field, we will always endeavour to have activities that take place outside, if the weather permits. The club will be providing a wide range of activities for example: arts & crafts, board games, computer games, cooking, reading, woodland activities etc. The children will also be provided with a picnic style tea.
The Breakfast Activity club costs £6.00 per session and is open to pupils attending St Bede’s Primary School only. The club will be open from 7.45am until 8.45am each day. The Breakfast Activity club will be held in the school hall or outside if the weather permits. The club will be physically active in nature, meaning that children will take part in a variety of sports, games and activities that promote healthy lifestyles. A small snack and a drink will be provided at the end of each session (although this will not suffice as breakfast and children should arrive having already had this).
Further details can be found in the documents below: